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Posted on: Mar 1 2010, 10:57 PM


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Ok, I'm not sure this works in savitar or not. But is there a way to set up a colour trigger, from another trigger?

What I want to do is this

trigger text: $$enemy has been added to your enemies list. I want to set a trigger to colour the enemy name as red

trigger text: $$enemy has been removed from your enemies list. I want the colour trigger removed

Can this be set up without me having to manually open events window and edit the color ?
  Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #886 · Replies: 1 · Views: 42013

Posted on: Feb 13 2010, 12:37 AM


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going to go ahead and bump this up again because it is really bugging me that I cannot set up triggers that need to start with setting a macro
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #885 · Replies: 3 · Views: 43417

Posted on: Jan 21 2010, 08:33 AM


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I'm still having issues with this despite keeping the version updated. I do think I might have figured something though. It is when the thing I want to target is at the start of a line, that it adds a return in the macro. If it is in the middle of a line it is working fine, ie You give $$p a little prod with your finger. > giggle %%p

Anyone got ideas on how I can get one to work when the line starts with the thing I want to target?

$$p brings $$ blade back / the response needs to be st p %%p

At the moment what it ends up sending to the game is this

st p
%%p < which being the name of the player tries to send them an empty tell

Is there some kind of character I can insert at the start of the trigger? I know on zmud I use a ^
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #883 · Replies: 3 · Views: 43417

Posted on: Jan 18 2010, 09:33 PM


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Things seem pretty stable since I start all my macros with a letter combo that is not likely to actually form part of a word that I might type. I've not had a single random crash.
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #882 · Replies: 2 · Views: 38598

Posted on: Jan 14 2010, 09:58 PM


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I've had this crashing issue with savitar over the years and something finally clicked as to what was causing it. It doesn't happen all the time, but it is related to my macros and text input. It's happened with the various releases of savitar and on each new mac os. Currnely I am running
10.6.2 and savitar 1.5.2

I have various macros, thr, pres, gets, resben. I have discovered that the random crashes occur when I am inputting words that begin with the same letters as my macros.

I was typing this in "say well if you are already happy with everything as it is, then I am thrilled for you". Only I got as far as "well if you are already happy with everything as it is, then I am th" and I realised it is always the first two letters of a macro. and it happens instantly. I type the th and don't even get to typing the r and it crashes.

I've altered my macros to mcro_thr instead of the thr to see if that helps with more stability since there's nothing I could possibly write that starts with a mcr. I've also left a few as they were and will track the crashing issue
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #878 · Replies: 2 · Views: 38598

Posted on: Nov 16 2008, 09:45 PM


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I second the request for folders, I'd like to be able to turn on/off bashing triggers and switch them out for pk triggers etc
  Forum: Feature Requests · Post Preview: #845 · Replies: 1 · Views: 37719

Posted on: Nov 16 2008, 09:39 PM


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I have two macs that I'm running savitar on, both have 1.4.3 installed. One is an intel mac running os 10.5.5 and the other a g3 running os 10.3. Now on both I have the exact same trigger set up

NAME="(WEB): $$web"
##send window &quot;WEBS&quot; (WEB): %%web

On my g3 mac this opens up a window and sends any text spoken on the webs channel to the new window. I see nothing odd in my game window

On my intel mac it also sends the text to a new window, which is fine, but it also does this in my playing window

H:3568 M:1037 B:100% Dev:96% XP:7% [d eb]
(Web): Weor says, "How do i see what defenses i have up?"
##send window "WEBS" (WEB): weor says, "how do i see what defenses i have up?"
H:3568 M:1037 B:100% Dev:96% XP:7% [d eb]wt def
(Web): You say, "Def."
##send window "WEBS" (WEB): you say, "def."
H:3568 M:1117 B:100% Dev:96% XP:7% [d eb]

I'd love to get rid of that ##send window line, it's just adding to the spam of playing. Also it's a minor annoyance, but anyway for it to capture capitalization?

Edited: Ok oddly enough this seems to have cleared. I moved the savitar settings form the g3 onto the intel mac as I wanted to get the triggers I set up on here. And it seems to have fixed things. Must have been something corrupted with the build of the initial trigger. I'll try playing with the send window set up over the next week or so and see if I can manage to get it to occur again
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #844 · Replies: 1 · Views: 37643

Posted on: Aug 13 2008, 09:17 PM


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I'm having trouble setting up triggers to respond to an actual target. For some reason when it creates the macro it is adding a return before the target.

I'm trying to set up this,' $$h tells you, "legs ' with the response being ' heal &&h legs '. It is creating a macro h with a return then the name. So from what I can tell, the input ends up being heal legs, which defaults to healing my char, then on a second line the name of the target it was supposed to work on

I'm having this problem with any targeted triggers I try to create
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #842 · Replies: 3 · Views: 43417

Posted on: Nov 7 2007, 10:15 PM


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Ok I kind of searched and had a hunt through help files, but I'm not entirely sure I found what I needed. In the game I play things can roll by way fast during a hunt or combat, and I miss vital information being given across channels. What I need is a way to capture that text into a new window as it appears. Now I figured out ##open text window, and ##send window but that doesn't really seem to be what I am looking for.

Is there a way to capture something from the game and send it to the text window? how would I go about doing it.

example (ooc): Jack says, yo

so I'd want the (ooc): and whatever else text is following it
  Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #820 · Replies: 5 · Views: 63940

Posted on: Nov 7 2007, 10:04 PM


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I'm having trouble with the A hotkeys too, it's coming up on anny new world I create. I found the easiest way around it is to use one of my existing worlds and save it under a new name, then I edit the settings. Seems to get rid of the 'A' problem.

On new worlds I create I've not been able to overwrite the A with anew hotkey as it shows as grey and can't be edited
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #819 · Replies: 3 · Views: 16411

Posted on: May 9 2006, 11:46 PM


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I just read this and thought I'd try it and see what happens. I set up a trigger to do

##wait 10 bw
##wait 14 ponder
##wait 18 shrug

on seeing the word 'test'

In my own mud which is a custom code base I then said 'test' and the trigger fired with the appropiate timing on each command

So I logged into aetolia to see if I could replicate the problems there, It's working fine as it should with the right delays

I set the test trigger to input and while I got the I cannot fathom your meaning message from the game being confused about test, the rest of the trigger still fired as it should with the right timing. I'm wondering if the mud you're playing isn't picking up on the enter between each line? you could try setting it up with double returns in the trigger and see if that helps seperate them? like this I always put in an enter after my last command in the trigger too, perhaps that is it

##wait 10 bw

##wait 14 ponder

##wait 18 shrug

I've got logins in about 6 different muds, all various codebases and I wasn't able to botch my trigger up to replicate the problem you're having, whhat kind of codebase is the mud you play?
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #579 · Replies: 13 · Views: 40964

Posted on: May 9 2006, 11:29 PM


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I had that same problem on one particular mud, it just kind of died.. was a real pain whhen I had the mud in a backgroun window and keeping one eye on it for anny action. I'd just assume there was nothing going on as I wasn't timing out or annything, just not seeing anny scroll at all. In fact one time I closed teh window and returned to find my character had been highly chastised by an imm for idling, yikes!

I cured it by setting up a task at 300 seconds to check brief who. works a treat
  Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #578 · Replies: 5 · Views: 23707

Posted on: May 9 2006, 11:24 PM


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wow that is incredibly helpful. I always opted for the log out and back in option to get rid of tasks tongue.gif . I knew there was a way to do it, but too lazy to goo reading the manual to figure it
  Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #577 · Replies: 5 · Views: 19448

Posted on: Aug 15 2005, 01:02 AM


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oh forgot to add, also whatever caused this has also wiped all my macros and some of my triggers Argh! so much stuff to input all over again. I love savitar as a client and feel comfortable using it but am starting to wonder if I need to be making periodic backups of all my settings just in case, it stings to use 3 years worth of macros and healing/fighting systems.

Being not so technically minded what would be the best way to make a backup of these things?
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #511 · Replies: 8 · Views: 26605

Posted on: Aug 15 2005, 12:53 AM


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same thing just happened to me, was running 1.3.8. Ansi just went poof. Any triggers that had colours still show up just fine but the colours within the game don't show. Can't pull up the ansi colour settings file to take a look since it crashes. Updated to 1.3.9 in the hope the savitar fairy might make everything nice again but still no joy.

Do I just pull out the Savitar 2.0 Prefs file and trash it? It's affecting all the worlds I play on as far as I can make out, but not affecting the triggers so something related to the way the client interprets the ansi code embedded in the worlds?
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #510 · Replies: 8 · Views: 26605

Posted on: Apr 19 2005, 01:28 AM


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I've gone through and edited all my triggers now. These triggers always used to work fine which is why it has taken me such a long time to actually track down what the cause was (It was finally another god who noticed it was newbies creating that crashed me) I think it was the update to os 10.3.9 that was the start of my troubles with the crashes. Glad to have it all resolved now! Thanks alot for the help Jay, it's nice to have the support and responses to issues

(still not sure what was going on with my events window taking a hike though, maybe my triggers were just confusing it so much it decided to take a vacation?)
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #453 · Replies: 5 · Views: 20264

Posted on: Apr 16 2005, 11:27 PM


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Ok, I'll send you all the stuffs again. Problem now is that I have narrowed it down to a trigger that is causing the crash, well there could be others upsetting it too, but this one is definately causing a crash. But I can't eliminate the trigger as my events window is gone. Is there anything I can try meantime to recover the events window, or is there some way I can get into it to delete the trigger that is causing this?
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #451 · Replies: 5 · Views: 20264

Posted on: Apr 13 2005, 11:42 PM


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Ok, I've just learnt to live with the ongoing random crashings. on average around 4 or 5 in an 8 hour day I've taken to saving things alot more frequently so I don't lose stuff. I begn to notice that one of the instances that causes a crash is when a newbie creates.. I'm still not sure why or how, but I can recall at least 5 times in the last few months when I have crashed and returned to find a newbie in the world. Now for some background, I did set triggers up to watch and check family status of all newbies as they enterred the world. I'm not actually seeing the text that would fire that triggered before I crash but I was wondering if it was perhaps firing from the information the mud was sending and I was crashing before i even saw it? I have no idea how that all works but I'm just trying to make sense of what could just be a very weird coinciddence.

So anyway I decided to check on my triggers and open up my events window GAH! I cannot find it?? The mud window dims to light grey as it does when it is a background window, but I'm not seeing anny evennts window anywhere. I tried dragging things around clearing desktop completely hitting f keys and even looking under the rug (ok joking about the rug) and the window is gone! I've quit everything else, restarted, quit savitar restarted.... no events window to be found anywhere. So now I'm kind of confused about what to try next
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #447 · Replies: 5 · Views: 20264

Posted on: Dec 18 2004, 11:00 PM


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Ok, I am starting to wonder if this is just me, or is anyone else still getting all the crashes? I'm still crashing at least three times a day, othr times more. I'm not abl to pin it down to any one world that I play, but I think the one common factor is when I am ignoring savitar or one of the windows. ie a savitar window is not in the foreground.

I'm wondering if ditching everything and doing a complete clean install will help? Usually when I update I just dump the older version from my working sav folder and drag the new one in, but maybe I'm still carrying over corrupt prefs and stuff like that? (she says trying to sound like she knows something about computers) Though I would really hate to ditch it all and start over again

Should I be sending reports of each and every crash to Jay? I didn't want to spam him but maybe there is information in them
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #416 · Replies: 3 · Views: 15001

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 11:27 PM


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I think most muds whatever these days have online creation so it's no longer a hassle. Ours is fairly easy to build in, and yeah.. nice to have a tried and tested code base to work with. Ours has been created from scratch hence the reason I've had to do all the mac testing for it. But after a year or so of running we've ironed out all those creases. I still shudder when I recall the full page ansi colour map incident, it was horrendous.. looked like a xmas tree on acid in savitar.

Anyway so nice to read a forum where people aren't asking how to set up zmud scripts. I tend to yap away even when no one is listening, so expect more spammage.

Can't recall if I ever tried playing a mush or not. I remember one place someone persuaded me to try where people were fingering me! and page was like a message command? (I feel so dense here, really) anyway the whole kitty girl and vampire lords running around wanting to cyber really put me off.. seriously why is every female (or guy playing female) in these things a kitty girl.. freaky
  Forum: Free for All · Post Preview: #410 · Replies: 6 · Views: 63119

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 10:23 AM


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Oh and since we were invited to blatantly promote our favourite worlds here. *shameless plug* evarayn

We're a rp strongly suggested/enforced mud (I don't say purely rp enforced because we're just not the nazi admin types) original code base. Classless system where you can pick and mix skills to create the style of character you wish, and though we do have levels, your advancement with skills is not dependant on levelling. You can stand around and roleplay all day and still gain skillpoints. Hmm yeah check the website if you're interested, we welcome new players


Pssst Jay. how about one of those preset listings on the world picker to catch the eye of new savitar convertees *grin*
  Forum: Free for All · Post Preview: #407 · Replies: 6 · Views: 63119

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 10:13 AM


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out there? I'm interested to know

I meet mac user players fairly often. One way I spot them is when they ask on newbie why greet isn't working. In our mud we use greet as a way to trigger dialogue between the player and the mob. I get a few new players who pipe up and ask why greet isn't working for them. They then tell me that when they try it it's making them do the 'hi there hows it going' thing. I have to explain to them it is a universal standard trigger that is preset in savitar that is over riding their greet. Anyway it's always a fun way to spot other mac users.

But as far as admins, owners, gods etc I don't think I have actually run into any at all. I found it useful being on a mac when we were developing the code for our mud, I was able to make sure it was all working as we wanted it to from the mac point of view. Had to run a few different mac clients to make sure all the ansi was showing up correctly and the maps were displaying right. Maybe that kind of thing is not so important on a code base that has been around for a while.

So if you are a builder or whatever, what kind of problems have you had? I used to be an imm on a diku mud and they had no OLC, and I couldn't track down any kind of building client that would run on a mac. So I was basically taking the code for an existing area, reading through it all and building my area in a text file copying the code I already had. sheesh!.. never did get that area finished either *grin*
  Forum: Free for All · Post Preview: #406 · Replies: 6 · Views: 63119

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 09:42 AM


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Anyway, something to alert users to a newer version being available would be really cool. I like to try and make sure I am up to date on my software
  Forum: Feature Requests · Post Preview: #405 · Replies: 0 · Views: 7535

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 09:39 AM


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I've had this problem ever since I upgraded my os to 10.3 it seemed to be fine under teh earlier OS for some reason, but once I got 10.3 savitar started crashing on me. I'm a multiple windows kind of gal, but I found it crashes when I even only have one window open if it is in the background. I just downloaded 1.3.7 in the hope maybe that would help, but while I was posting here it crashed again. Is this just me?

looking at the past release notes I saw that 1.3.5 was supposed to have fixed the crashing problem. I do love savitar, there's just somethng nice about being able to slump back in the chair and wander around a mud by just clicking a mouse.But I really really need for more stability. I'm losing a hell of alot of logs and other stuff through the crashes (I would probably experience between 4 and 8 crashes on average a day... yes I do mud alot)
  Forum: Bug Reports · Post Preview: #404 · Replies: 3 · Views: 15001

Posted on: Dec 10 2004, 09:06 AM


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Oh gods yes yes. I have problems with teh and liek in my typing, it's terrible!. Anyway when building I tend to just let loose and rattle away at teh keys, only to find I have to copy paste everything I just enterred into a spell checker then re enter it in the mud etc.. yeah anyway short story is a spell checker would be a dream for us mud admin/builder types. Nothing worse then finishing up a 100 room area, tehn opening it to the masses and finding a ton of typo reports submitted by some bright spark english grad
  Forum: Feature Requests · Post Preview: #403 · Replies: 2 · Views: 12910

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