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Heynow Software Forums _ General Discussion _ Is Savitar 1.3 ready to go final?

Posted by: jay Aug 14 2003, 02:45 PM

Dear 1.3 beta tester,

What's the word on 1.3? Are all the bugs dead to call it a final release? Anyone out there have a bug that is unreported or unhandled?

No more features are being added to 1.3. Just bug fixes at this point. I've already begun work on 1.4, which, amongst other things, will have the spell checking stuff requested in the features forum.

I'd like to put the wrap on 1.3 and get into 1.4 development mode. Im hoping to do one more beta release (1.3b9) to catch any straggler bugs and then go final. What's the general consensus, mighty 1.3 beta testers?


Posted by: cybern8r Aug 14 2003, 07:43 PM

I think it's ready for a final release. The only other bug I can think of is that it occasionally crashes when I'm receiving alot of data, like maybe 20 people saying something at the same time. But, I would think that could happen with any program like this, so I'm not concerned with it.

Posted by: jay Aug 15 2003, 01:33 AM

Actually that's a fairly serious bug. Could you please send me a crash log?

Savitar should not crash in any circumstances.



Posted by: Day Aug 15 2003, 06:42 AM

Seems to be holding steady to the course. I'll treat my typical ansi-hilighting complaint as a feature request, then, and not bug you about it 'til 1.3 is done and out. Looks good, Jay. Danke.

"Calmer than you, Dude."
-The Big Lebowski

Posted by: Ellis1138 Aug 16 2003, 12:45 AM

Still no sign of it crashing here, and I even did something dumb, which caused a whole spamload on myself. tongue.gif

Looks good so far, although I think that the 'autoreconntor' doesn't work if the window of the MUSH that's unreachable is one of the background ones.

Posted by: cooner Aug 23 2003, 06:31 AM

I've had no problems with 1.3b8 lately. Tho I don't do anything too weird or intensive ... just my $.02 smile.gif

Posted by: Kibbles Sep 2 2003, 05:02 AM

Fine with me, and I spend time in a very spammy place. I dont do much more than chat, highlight, and gag. Oh and have it say my name in a VERY annoying voice.

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