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Heynow Software Forums _ Bug Reports _ Very odd pose bug

Posted by: Violeta Mar 5 2004, 06:36 PM

For no apparent reason, Savitar will randomly decide to go buggy on me by altering my emits. It will take a piece of it, cutting off the beginning and end. It then adds:

You say, "Hey there, <some of my pose>! How's it going?"

It's -very- weird and quite annoying because I have to have people pose around me for a few minutes before it decides to start working again. Rebooting doesn't help either. Why does it happen and how do I fix this??

Posted by: Violeta Mar 5 2004, 06:40 PM

It seems to somehow be related to having the word "greet" in there...

Posted by: Day Mar 6 2004, 06:11 AM

Go in and turn off the 'greet' macro. It shouldn't be triggering at random, but it is for some reason. I'm not, you know, a developer, so all I can offer is a work-around. Go to the "Events Window" (command-E) and click the green check mark next to greet $$name in order to turn it into a red X. Should, throetically, solve your problem.


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