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Heynow Software Forums _ Bug Reports _ Hilighting Links

Posted by: Richard Aug 6 2005, 08:01 PM


I have something that is half a bug-report and half a feature-request. I use MOOs that start says with the `(back-tick) character, and end them with the '(single-quote) character.

Thus, if I type, "say Go to, I get:
You gcc, `Go to'
and opening the link includes the ' following the link.

Additionally, it seems to always include the character after the link, even if it's a space:
You grump, `Go to and click on the download link.'

Even double-quoted MOOs seem to include the end-quotes in the link selection, though it filters it out before sending it to the web browser.

Would it be possible to fix this issue (that is admittedly probably rare and due to the MOO I'm at rather than Savitar), or provide a general way to select an end-quote character to filter out?


Posted by: jay Aug 14 2005, 01:24 PM

Good bug report.

Fixed in the newly release v1.3.9 of Savitar



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