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Heynow Software Forums _ Bug Reports _ Echo...echo...echo

Posted by: Saigo Dec 21 2004, 01:04 PM

In the world to which I connect via Savitar, a karate form of Hand to Hand combat is used bu my guild. In order to accomodate the various attack forms, I have build input triggers for specific combos. For example "AC" produces an "arm combo" attack.

Unfortunately, any word used while speaking that contaoins "AC" also launches such a combo. for examply, if I exclain "Ack!" I see the error "I don't see that person here" before the sentance containing "Ack" appears on the screen. I assume that this isn't so much a bug as something that I have set incorrectly.

Any guidance that can be offered will be greatly appreciated!

Below is a specific quote from attempting just this scenario:

3310h, 2580m ex-Nothing can be seen here by that name.
3310h, 2580m ex-I do not recognize anything called that here.
3310h, 2580m ex-You cannot see that being here.
3310h, 2580m ex-You stick your tongue out and say 'Ack.'

The first three lines are the attempted "Arm Combo"

Posted by: jay Dec 31 2004, 08:39 PM

Here's how you do it:

1. Create a new trigger, call it AC
2. Set its Type popup to "Input"
3. Set the Matching popup to "Line Starts with"
4. Enable the "Case Sensitive" checkbox.
5. Check the "Subsitute it with this text:" checkbox and fill in the text box with "arm combo" (or whatever)
6. Go to the Appearance tab and select the "Don't display the text (gag the text)" radio button.

Now when you type AC on a new line of input and hit return, you'll get your input trigger's output to fire. If you type AC anywhere else in your input, nothing adverse will happen.


Posted by: oolie Oct 23 2005, 07:34 AM

Hi. I am trying to exactly this same thing. But whenever I use a trigger defined like this, Savitar freezes up and I have to force quit.

Would appreciate any additional help. Thanks.

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