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Heynow Software Forums _ Feature Requests _ Blinking text, MCCP

Posted by: Nosh Dec 31 2003, 05:41 PM

Yes. Blinking text instead of substituting for ANSI reverse or italics. And for example, this text from a MUD is supposed to blink High Red then Standard Red:


And along those lines, support of the MUD Client Compression Protocol would be neat too (MCCP)


Posted by: Day Jan 3 2004, 08:09 AM

Just as a note: Jay uses the HTML capabilities more than ANSI. When I worked with him about ansi hilighting I had to have him connect to the same MUSH as I and do demonstrations and tests with him. He was very helpful, but, because he has little experience with ANSI or how it should work (I think), needed many things explained.


Posted by: jay Jan 13 2004, 04:30 AM

It's not so much that I'm not familar with ANSI codes, as that I don't use them that much nowdays.

(Jay squints as he harkens back to the days of his first CRT terminal, a VT102)

(Jay squints even harder as he harkens back to the days of his first terminal, a TTY33 -- am I old or what? )
blink.gif blink.gif

Posted by: Guest Mar 27 2004, 01:17 AM

MCCP support would be great at least one of the muds I play gives out bonuses for using it. Also while I was looking for information on it for the Mac it looks like the place I play isn't the only place bonusing players for using MCCP. biggrin.gif

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