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Heynow Software Forums _ Feature Requests _ Spell Checking

Posted by: Clent May 4 2003, 02:38 AM

Is Savitar ever going to have spell checking on the input line?

Posted by: jay May 4 2003, 02:39 AM

Sure, that's a fairly easy thing to add.

Any details on how you'd like it to work?


Posted by: Stormy May 4 2003, 02:58 AM

Two forms have been, in my opinion, my favorites; a pop-up window with suggested corrections a la MUSHclient, or underscored a la MS word with the option to right click and see a list of possible suggestions for the corrected spelling.

Just my tuppence,
Stormy smile.gif

Posted by: Clent May 4 2003, 03:29 AM

I like the way Cocoa applications do it, with the option to turn it on and off and mistakes are underlined, and right-clicking gets you the options. And then another option for viewing the dictionary.

Posted by: Day May 4 2003, 08:21 PM

This would be awesome. I like the check-as-you-type underlined approach. This way words like Elrond and Imladris won't trip me up every pose. Control-click for a list of corrections... Like TextEdit's system. I don't see a need, really, to be able to have it run through a pose, though... If you're putting so much text through that you can't just arrow through each word to check it, then you're amazingly verbose.

(formerly Ben)
"Now it's Judy's turn to cry, Judy's turn to cry, Judy's turn to cryyyy-ay-ay-ay-ayihay."
-Leslie Gore

Posted by: Hrral May 20 2003, 07:51 PM

Following the iChat and TextEdit format of underlining questionably spelled words makes it a lot easier to type freely without learning and coping with a new feedback mechanism. Having the ability to 'learn' new words in the application dictionary (something free with the spelling feature) will mean a bit of startup time for users, but pays off in the long run.

I'm impressed that you are already thinking of this feature since I've been missing not having it since starting to use Savitar. I hope it makes it into the 1.3 version or an early beta of 1.4. Thanks for your continued support and improvement of Savitar, it's a very good client for X.

Posted by: Peganthyrus Jun 8 2003, 09:50 AM

Using the system's text input stuff would be fine by me. Although I'm not sure how much nasty internal re-working that'd require, since Savitar's an ol' Carbon app that leapt over from the old Mac system... it might also make it no longer possible to use it under OS9. If it still does. The system offers the 'Open in Classic environment' checkbox, but I'm not about to try that.

Having spell-check is one of the features that makes me fiddle with Cantrip now and then, but other things like its ugly trigger interface make me quickly stop fiddling.

Um. It's late, and I'm rambling. Make it work like TextEdit and iChat and any other happy little OSX application. Then it'll even pick up on custom spellings that you put into other programs.


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