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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to create speedwalks, I have used them before in other programs. For instance if I am at town center and wanted to get to an area outside that center I would just click a path that I created using numbers and directions for example. IF at point A and wanted to go to point B, I would click a path that I created to point be which would look like 8s4en5en2ene9en4en3en2en5en4en2enw3n8s
Axl@Alter Aeon
I have many areas to which I can speedwalk. It's easy, but I don't use numbers.

I'll just give you an example:

go to bank

•(input, line starts with, matched exactly as found)

and the reply for this trigger:
recall;way 1;wake;stand;unhide;s;s;w;w;w;s;s;s

Don't think Savitar can handle those directions as you put them, and the semicolon ( ; ) on my mud translates to a charriage return, so you can stack commands separated with semicolons, and each time it happens, it's a return, basically.

Fine out what character stands for a carriage return on your mu*. And if you can't find one, try


that's a backslash to start it. Whenever I select an entire line in my mud (so I an copy & paste it) to make it provoke something, and I paste it into a new trigger and hit return, it appears at the end of the line. Maybe Jay could give you more help with that.
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