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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
Basically.. could you put in at least all of the features cantrip has in terms of mac-beautiful window preferences and all that sort of stuff that is built in to apple script. Only don't suck like cantrip and be too slow to actually be useable.
Please be specific. What sorts of "mac-beautiful window preferences" would you like to see? How do you use Applescript in your online gaming, and what verbs and nouns make sense to you to support?

some things i could think of:

-the OSX built in spell checker for the input area
-split-screen sensitive scroll back
-customizable toolbar (
-window transparancy settings
-deciding how you want new text to come on the screen (do you want everything to scroll past line by line - or have it appear in blocks at a more reasonable speed)

of course maybe im just not looking hard enough...

-date/time stamps on log files
-"begin logging" function .. or is this "prepend" thing the same sort o.O
-logging to plain .txt or .rtf (used to email game services)
-update checker
-ability to save different color sets, other than current and default
-a lot of the useage is very OS9 style... where you have a window open- like the trigger window and you want to make a new trigger. Instead of having buttons or clicking options in the window you have to find the "new trigger" option in the pull-down menus. - And the pull-down menus are shifty.. only once I had the trigger window open did a "new trigger" item appear in the edit menu (hence I didn't expect it there)

-for the none programmer your trigger menu is a bit complicated- can i use the trigger menu to make aliases?
-channel support?
Brennan Young
The absolute minimum Applescript support would be to be able to select in the 'edit trigger' window a script with a special callback handler, something like
property bestWeapon : "sword"

on default trigger (msg, whichWorld)
    tell application "Savitar"
 tell whichWorld
     if msg begins with "You have been attacked by " then
   send "retaliate with " & bestWeapon
   return false -- i.e. I didn't handle this
     end if
     return true -- i.e. I handled this
 end tell
    end tell
end output
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