Jun 30 2004, 02:54 AM
I'm using 1.3.4 and anything that is ANSI intense is always dark grey.
If I switch all the colors in the ANSI color settings to say, green, anything tagged intense is always, dark grey. If I switch all the intense in the ANSI color settings to say, red, anything tagged intense is always, dark grey.
Wow. This is a late reply, huh?
Well, try scaling back the brightness of your colors. As I understand it right now, Sav takes the color it's trying to display, then increases the RGB values of this color. If it reaches the top, it rolls over (modulus math, here). This way an appriciable difference in appearance in assured.
Nov 15 2004, 03:37 PM
What Day spaketh is sooth.
In fact, he designed that approach with me. I'm open to suggestions on how to improve it.
Nov 20 2004, 03:09 PM
This problem got addressed in the 1.3.7 release. Check it out.
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