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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
Okay, so. Savitar is like my favorite client in the world, but I haven't been able to figure out, for the LIFE of me, how to write a wildcard trigger.

On MUSHclient, the wildcard for a spell trigger would look like this:

Your Fire Bolt * *!

With * being the wildcard.

The response would then be, flee^weave 1 'fire bolt' %2.

How would I translate that to Savitar Wildcards?

Please help!
Axl@Alter Aeon
First off, forget everything from MUSHclient.

You can specify the 'markers' in Savitar, but I use the ones that come by default, they're easy enough. (## for local command, %% for macro marker, and $$ for event wildcard marker).

So anyway, to pick locked items on my mud, i wrote a trigger:

pick $$dor (matching is exactly as found, INPUT)
Then the reply is:
'you can help if you want, I'm gonna try to pick %%dor

The $$dor specifies the wildcard, whatever i try to pick (door, chest, whatever) (you can check your 'Macros' tab in the 'Events' window to see that a macro called 'dor' has been created, with a value of whatever you typed after the target) and then %%dor calls that wildcard into action (pick door, pick chest, pick whatever).

Hope this helps.
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