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Full Version: Space Error
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
I've noticed an odd little thing that's never been enough to make me post, but has finally intrigued me enough. If I begin a line with a space, Savitar immediately sends the ' ' to the world as a complete command without my having hit enter or return, which generally causes the world to give me its version of "Huh? Type 'help' for help." Oh, and it still keeps the current command up, so if I start to type after the , there's still a space, although the world thinks I entered a command. Echoing all input shows a blank line sent to the world. I know I've been noticing it since before OSX, but I can't remember if it's 'always' been there or not. Is this a feature, or a bug? Can anyone else duplicate it?

I can verify that this does happen. As you said, typing a space at the beginning of a line immediately sents the space, without pressing the return or enter keys, and it leaves the space in the input buffer.
This, is fact a feature for those worlds that require a single space as a response to a prompt (such as "Press space to continue") -- it's old stuff. I don't know if anyone is even using it anymore. I think I'll remove it for the next update and see if anyone complains.

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