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Full Version: Tab completion
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
First off, great job on the client. It's stable, easy to use, and has the basic features we need.

My request is configurable tab completion. A simple list of words that the client would tab-complete for you while typing would do wonders for average MUD use.

Like a list that the user would create? That might be interesting.

How very Visual Studio of you. ;P But yeah, I think that would be a really neat feature.

You can set a macro without a hot-key to do this. Its not quite "tab-completion", but you type the first few letters and hit return and it will insert the word in your macro. I use this quite a bit for longer/difficult names. As an example, I type "bar" and hit return and Savitar inserts "Bartleby" for me.
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