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Full Version: Still crashing
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
I've had this problem ever since I upgraded my os to 10.3 it seemed to be fine under teh earlier OS for some reason, but once I got 10.3 savitar started crashing on me. I'm a multiple windows kind of gal, but I found it crashes when I even only have one window open if it is in the background. I just downloaded 1.3.7 in the hope maybe that would help, but while I was posting here it crashed again. Is this just me?

looking at the past release notes I saw that 1.3.5 was supposed to have fixed the crashing problem. I do love savitar, there's just somethng nice about being able to slump back in the chair and wander around a mud by just clicking a mouse.But I really really need for more stability. I'm losing a hell of alot of logs and other stuff through the crashes (I would probably experience between 4 and 8 crashes on average a day... yes I do mud alot)
First read this: click.

Then send jay an email with the crash log. He will, hopefully, know what to do about it and make with the betterment.

Ok, I am starting to wonder if this is just me, or is anyone else still getting all the crashes? I'm still crashing at least three times a day, othr times more. I'm not abl to pin it down to any one world that I play, but I think the one common factor is when I am ignoring savitar or one of the windows. ie a savitar window is not in the foreground.

I'm wondering if ditching everything and doing a complete clean install will help? Usually when I update I just dump the older version from my working sav folder and drag the new one in, but maybe I'm still carrying over corrupt prefs and stuff like that? (she says trying to sound like she knows something about computers) Though I would really hate to ditch it all and start over again

Should I be sending reports of each and every crash to Jay? I didn't want to spam him but maybe there is information in them
I'd say do one, and see what he says. He may ask for more, or he might have advice.

On prefs files: If yours are messed up, then find them and move them, then start Sav on up. If it works, then that's a pretty good indication that that was the problem. If not... then it's beyond me.

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