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Full Version: Indented lines, spellcheck, etc.
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
Great client so far, guys, but there's a few things I'd love to see.

The first, of course, being spellcheck. Please?!

The second is a bit more hard to describe. I've seen this in a PC client that I used to use, SimpleMU. The first line of someone's text is flush with the left hand column, but all subsequent lines until the end of the pose/say are indented slightly, just by a single space. It makes it much easier to tell where things start and end.

Also.. in the text entry window, perhaps using something else besides arrows for scrolling between previous commands. I tend to instinctively use my arrow keys to move around the text in that window to correct/change items, and it's aggrivating to have an up arrow move me to a different entry rather than simply move my cursor up a line.

Last, an activity notification would be cool. Perhaps a bounce of the icon on the dock?


Jay tells me (on a thread here, I think) that spell check is slated for the next big version switch. That'd be, what, four point oh? I think that's right. That's all I've got.

Once again, I need to second the "indented text" option. I used to use it way back on TinyFugue and miss it a lot. smile.gif

An option for how arrow keys behave in the input window would be nice, too ...
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