Jun 13 2005, 04:13 PM
Since I updated to 10.4 (10.4.1, to be precise, though I was updating straight from 10.3.x, no time spend at 10.4.0), Savitar 1.3.8 has a new way of crashing.
If I have multiple windows open, and I used command-# to swap between them, Savitar will sometimes freeze up for a moment then crash. This happens pretty irregularly (if I swap windows frequently, it might happen once per half hour or two hours), so it's hard to troubleshoot; I can't be sure whether or not the "command-#" method is necessary to cause the problem.
I have a copy of the crash report saved, though I won't spam y'all with it unless you ask.
Dec 22 2005, 02:18 AM
I've had (and still have) this problem for several iterations of Savitar and through both Panther and Tiger... sent a crash report in, but the bug still occurrs. It seems to happen more frequently (almost reliably) if I've been futzing around in the events window (cmd-E).
Dec 27 2005, 06:36 PM
Okay, I've finally got a good reproducable case for this crasher.
I am working on it now and expect to have a fix out soon.
Happy holidays, btw
Dec 31 2005, 05:59 PM
Drat, I was mistaken. The reproducible case isn't so good. I can't reproduce the error. I get it very randomly, infrequently.
If someone can come up with a step-by-step reproducable case of this crash, I would love to hear about it. I'll release 1.3.10 just with that fix -- it's the one crasher that has eluded all of us for some time and I'd love to squash it. Please email me privately if you have a step-by-step case. Email address is jay at heynow dot com.
May 7 2006, 02:19 AM
Don't know if its window swapping, but over the past month my version has been crashing all the time, 3 times today. And its not predictable. Either I am typing a command, and hit enter to watch it crash, switch a window by clicking on a new one, or else by clicking on the x button.
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