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Full Version: International characters plz.
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
This would help my mudding experience rock even more. Like I've been saying, it would be great to (a) see communications in other languages properly and (cool.gif also be able to -type- in other languages so that one can be understood smile.gif

PS, nice boards Jay., that is interesting. I typed 'a' and 'b' in parens to split my clauses up there, and they showed up as smilies. Ah well, that's ok.
This could be done with Unicode characters, but supporting the international character set would require that you have fonts capable of displaying the correct characters (not common, and probably not monospace). It would also involve a lot of work on Jay's part if his existing engine does not use Unicode. In essence, this is a harder task than you might expect.
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