I don't know the technical aspects well, but apparently sometimes if a certain type of router or other connecting device sits between you and your Mu* server, an extended period (even a short one) of no user input can cause the connection to quietly drop. I know a fix to Savitar awhile back dealt with at least some of these problems, but perhaps others are still out there.
One possible temporary workaround could be to use Savitar's task and kill command. Before you step away, type something like:
##task 300 who
which will run a 'who' command in the Mu* window ever 5 minutes (300 seconds), keeping your connection alive. When you return you can type
##kill 1
(or whatever task number was originally assigned, if it wasn't the first and only task you were running.)
That might help you out a bit. Use a bit of caution though: Some Mu* do have rules against using automated processes like that, mostly to prevent people from hijacking a connection and staying online 24 hours a day, so be careful how you use it if it could get you in trouble.
Anyway, that's my only thoughts ...