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Full Version: Output locks up after being idle?
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Howdy all, I've been a Savitar user since back when it was Tinkeri, but I just now found out about this message board ... yay! biggrin.gif

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is a bug per se or just something weird on my network, but I thought I'd toss it out and see if anyone has had a similar situation. If I leave a Savitar window alone for more than about ten or fifteen minutes (like if I'm distracted reading a webpage or writing an email), the window tends to lock up -- that is, all output gets suspended, so it LOOKS as though nothing has been going on in that window, even if there has been. When I do get back to the window and type any input in and hit return, it remains locked up for another minute or two, then finally spews out all the backlogged output, including the response to whatever input I just typed in.

FYI: 450MHz G4 with OSX 10.2.6 (regular software updates) and 768MB RAM. Connection is a Cable Modem running to a LinkSys Cable/DSL router which serves this computer, an 8500, and an Airport base station for my TiBook. If Jay or anyone has an idea what's causing this or if there's a setting I can check in Savitar or on the router or in the computer, I'd appreciate any ideas ...

Thanks! Jay, keep up the great work smile.gif
Y'know, I was just going thru the OLD message board, and found an old thread dealing with this problem ... it probably is my LinkSys router, which I sort of suspected, but was just looking for confirmation from anyone else with the same problem, which I found. smile.gif

When I have time I'll look into making a periodic ping to keep connections alive ... thanks smile.gif
I have a LinkSys router. I have this problem sometimes. I hadn't thought to blame the router. The problem is I almost never have it on Elendor (a PennMUSh on it's own server), but I get it on Daes Dae'mar (a TinyMUSH hosted by Godlike). I had thought maybe it was TinyMUSH causing the problem or Godlike, but the mention of LinkSys caught my ear. Mind linking that old post (if you can still find it/find it again)? Thanks and-- yeah. Happens to me, too.

"Heirion enneth nīn."
I have a firewall that does the same thing. 10 minutes and wham. Not sure what MU*s you're on but PennMUSH 1.7.7p13 and higher has an IDLE command that you can use (instead of ##task <second> Think <whatever>) and it will keep you from being routered out while not changing your idle time.
Yep, I too use to run on a LinkSys, had same problem. It was this problem that prompted me to add the ##task local command. In my case, I had ##task do a "show current time" command every 5 minutes.

I have a Netgear router between myself and my DSL (sharing it with my room-mate), and it times out the connection after about fifteen minutes of idle. It doesn't even seem to resume it after a moment like Cooner describes; it just wedges up. I searched the documentation for ways to change this setting, but to no avail. I shall have to look into ##task!

The mucks I play on tend to have policies that explicitly disallow anti-idle methods. But, well...

I'm not sure if this is the same problem or not... If I lock output scrolling, sometimes things go just fine, but often Savitar proceeds to put all output received after the lock was toggled on the last line, making it impossible to view. This persists until input is entered or the bar dividing the output and input is moved.

—Alorael, who doesn't really see this as much of a problem since it's so easy to fix. But it a bug is a bug, and this deserves to be squashed like all the others.
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