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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Hey there.
I'm using the 68k version of Savitar.(i usually MUD on that old computer, for other stuff I use my OSX running machine)

I've been having big problems.
The main thing is that when I save a world and its data, triggers, preferences, etc...
and, for that matter, ANY preferences or data...
it doesn't load next time I turn on Savitar.
And if I open the saved data, it tells me an unexpected error happened.
Anyone else experienced this?
Anyone know any solutions?

I'll love you forever if you have any info! tongue.gif
Please save your world out as a document. The World Picker wasn't intended for saving customizations. It's just a "book marks" table.
I don't understand what you mean by this? blink.gif
Does this mean you have to remake triggers everytime you open savitar?
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