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Full Version: Outdent/indent text in the output window
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
This is nothing vital, but man, it's something I've missed since way back in my Unix days of TinyTalk and TinyFugue in college. I used to have mine set up so that it would outdent the first line of anything said in the output window, and indent the rest of the lines two characters or so, making following the conversation in a crowded room much easier. So, for example, to steal a bit from Hamlet, a scene in his mother's bedroom might look like this:

TheQueen says, "Have you forgot me?
Hamlet says, "No, by the rod, not so: You are the Queen,
   and your husband's brother's wife, and -- would it were
   not so! -- you are my mother."
TheQueen says, "Nay, then, I'll set those to you that can
Hamlet says, "Come, come, and sit you down; you shall not
   budget; you go not till I set you up on a glass, where may
   you see the inmost part of you.
TheQueen says, "What wilt thou do? Thou wilt not murder
  me? -- Help, help, ho!
Polonius stirs from where he is hiding behind a curtain. He
   shouts, "What ho, help, help, help!"
Hamlet hears the sound, draws his sword, and stabs at the
   figure behind the curtain.
Hamlet says, "How now? a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!"
Polonius says, "O, I am slain!"
Polonius dies.
Polonius is sent home.

Anyway. It's a little thing, but I do miss it. If it's not something that'd be difficult to program in, it might be a cool feature in some future version of Savitar. Thanks, Jay!
I agree about the indenting. That would be fantastic.

Somehow I missed the 1.3.4 update when it came out a few months ago ... The keepalive setting is terrific! Thank you!

But I'd still love to see indented/outdented text options. Just thought I'd keep this thread alive. wink.gif
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