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Full Version: Enhanced Triggers
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
The ability to name triggers instead of just calling them by the text that triggers them would be nice, just like macros aren't only named after their hotkeys.

Another minor change that I'd like would be the ability to put more text into the trigger line.

—Alorael, who also wouldn't mind being able to put a few //notes in along with the reply text. For some of the more complicated and macro-filled triggers, it would help immensely.
I believe that a very beneficial additon to the triggers would be the ability to make them conditional. For example:

You have a trigger that stores your health into a variable and you want another trigger to make you drink a health restoring vial if the health variable value is less than say one thousand points because you dont need to restore health before that point.

Is it possible already, if it is not I really would like to see it in the future. It would make things so much nicer and I dont think it would be too hard to program in.
I totally agree, this would be an excellent inclusion, could someone plz add it?
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