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Full Version: variable problem
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Phil E. Drifter
I don't know what's causing it, but now whenever I use the $$trig/%%trig built-in function or any of my regex aliases triggered, they're added to my macro list with a hotkey defined as the letter A, and it really makes it difficult for me, I have to go and delete the offending macros otherwise every time I type an 'a' in my input pane, it clears the line.

any help? please?
Phil E. Drifter
Not sure if this helps, but I think I may have set another trig that's causing this problem, however, I don't understand why using the Savitar variable method with the $$var/%%var is causing regex variables of '0,' 1,' and '2' to be assigned.

I may just go and create a new copy of my pref file and only move over the ones that aren't problematic, that would narrow it down but it would take a while, I have like, hundreds of triggers.
I'm having trouble with the A hotkeys too, it's coming up on anny new world I create. I found the easiest way around it is to use one of my existing worlds and save it under a new name, then I edit the settings. Seems to get rid of the 'A' problem.

On new worlds I create I've not been able to overwrite the A with anew hotkey as it shows as grey and can't be edited
Thanks for the round-about bug report. It'll be fixed in version 1.4.2 which is due out soon.

If you'd like to be a tester for 1.4.2, please contact me via email.

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