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Full Version: Savitar 1.3b6 is Available
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
Heynow Software is pleased to announce that the sixth public beta release of Savitar 1.3 is available for immediate download.

This beta release handles a couple of crashing bugs that were reported by users. We're intending to be crash-free before 1.3 goes final, so, if you have a yet-to-be-reported crasher, report it. If you have a reported crasher that we haven't addressed in 1.3b6, let us know!

What's new in 1.3b6

- Made html tag generation more robust (fixes obscure crasher)
- Made local command syntax checking more robust (fixes obscure crasher)
Jay. I dunno if you missed my email about the pre beta you sent me or what, but in this new version I STILL can't resize the input bar. This is a major pain as it's hard to see what I'm doing if I type more than a few lines.

" ph34r.gif "
-Ninjas are totally sweet

I also experience this problem of resizing the input window. I run on a Power Macintosh 6400/200 w/ 64Meg Ram running OS 8.6. I also experience Type 2 errors when a lot of info comes down the pipe too quickly (That is to say when a lot of info is fed to the output screen all at once, like with long MOTD and login displays). Otherwise, I think this program is the best around for the Mac.

P.S. I know...I know...It is time to buy a new Mac... sad.gif
Oi. I feel for you, man. At least MU*ing isn't particularly processor or graphics intensive. The input bar bug looks to be fixed in beta 7, which will be officially out... sometime soon... whenever Jay feels it's ready.

I don't even know what a Type 2 error is... Sorry I can't even comment on that one. Is that new to 1.3b6 or has it been happenning for a while?

Yep, all better in 1.3b7. I just publically released it.

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