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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
I would really like if Savitar let me close a window without having to go through any dialog boxes. I never save anything. If anything, maybe at least allow me to use Command-D to not save.

I also would like to be able to set up notifications without having to open a file. Savitar crashes as well, I always make my changes and quickly quit so I won't loose them.

If these were made, I would be willing to register!

Aa mentioned in this forum, and the release notes, if you have a crash, or a bug, you need to email me the crash log and/or the details of what made Savitar crash. Just saying "Savitar crashed" is not a bug report. I need data. That's why it is in beta, and not a finished released. If you are not interested in sending bug reports, that's cool. Don't use the beta! Use the well tested 1.2.4 release. I do not expect people to be registering betas. I certainly wouldn't.

Looking forward to your bug reports.

QUOTE (jay @ Jul 24 2003, 02:26 PM)
Aa mentioned in this forum, and the release notes, if you have a crash, or a bug, you need to email me the crash log and/or the details of what made Savitar crash. Just saying "Savitar crashed" is not a bug report. I need data. That's why it is in beta, and not a finished released. If you are not interested in sending bug reports, that's cool. Don't use the beta! Use the well tested 1.2.4 release. I do not expect people to be registering betas. I certainly wouldn't.

Looking forward to your bug reports.


How about the closing windows without warnings?
Which beta are you running? What version of the OS are you running? What does youer hardware look like? What other programs are you/were you running at the time? Is it something you can replicate? If so, under what conditions? Have you honestly never reported a bug before?

A crash log is best, really. There's a thread that tells you hw to collect them.

"That road? You don't wanna go down that road..."
-South Park
QUOTE (Day @ Jul 25 2003, 01:36 PM)
Which beta are you running? What version of the OS are you running? What does youer hardware look like? What other programs are you/were you running at the time? Is it something you can replicate? If so, under what conditions? Have you honestly never reported a bug before?

A crash log is best, really. There's a thread that tells you hw to collect them.

"That road? You don't wanna go down that road..."
-South Park

I am pretty sure it is a bug with Savitar. I have seen this as long as I have been using Savitar. I don't know how to replicate the problem. I know it would be sometimes when I am setting preferences. Or maybe when you get disconnected?

As for never reporting a bug, I have been developing Mac games for about 7 years. And I know how about bugs. I wish I could give more information but I honestly don't have anything else why it was crashing. I use a PowerMac G4, 10.2.6 currently.

What I am really interested in is the features I have mentioned (and everyone seems to skip over.)
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