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Full Version: How to report a crash log on Mac OS X
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Now that Savitar is in beta again, there stands a chance you may have an occasional unexpected crash.

If you are running on Mac OS X, it is immensely useful to email the crash log along with your bug report.

What's a crash log? It's information that Mac OS X writes to the Console. You can enable crash logs by going to the Console application (located in /Applications/Utilities/) and selecting the "enable crash logs" in the "Crashes" tab of the Console app's preferences. You can also enable "automatically display crash logs" which will make it really easy for you to copy/paste the log to a Savitar bug report email.

Search Mac OS X help for "crash log" for more info.


Upon launching version 1.3 beta 2... (This is my crash log)

"Savitar 1.3b2" debug log for Sun, May 4, 2003 3:26:35 AM

EXCEPTION THROWN - ERROR: -43, FUNCTION: PreprocessMenu, FILE: LDebugMenuAttachment.cp, LINE: 574

"Savitar 1.3b2" debug log for Sun, May 4, 2003 3:26:37 AM

SIGNAL RAISED - CONDITION: App Initialization failed., FUNCTION: Run, FILE: LApplication.cp, LINE: 213

There was one error immediately after the other, then the program quit itself.
The bug reported by jhersh is fixed in Savitar 1.3b3.

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