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Full Version: Triggers Length:
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
Currently my triggers can be 62 characters in length. Is it possible for the next version to triple that length?

Oh, and I don't want to spam feature requests, so this is an edit:

Unrelated to above, if I want to change what a Macro does, like change the existing Macro I have set up for Ctrl+1, from STAND to SIT...
..after I change it, I have to re-type in Ctrl+1 in the first line, or else it disappears.
Is there a way to make is so that an existing Macro can be edited and keep the hotkeys entered?
Also, Macro Values:

I'd like to set a single Macro to ##enable trigger, or ##disable trigger for a list of triggers. Currently I can get 4-5 before I start hitting a character limit. I am not sure if it is how long the trigger name can be that disallows me to add more, or what.

But I could greatly reduce the number of triggers, etc I have running at once if I could do this.

This way when I want my character to bash in a certain area and use triggers I would only ever need in that area, I could use the Macro HUNTCOOLAREA and it would ##enable trigger a list of relevant triggers, (5, 10, 20?). When I am finished bashing in that area, I could use another Macro: STOPHUNTCOOLAREA and it would ##disable trigger the same list of (no longer) relevant triggers.

To this end, it could be worthwhile to have the ability to assign a number to the triggers by which we could reference them, similar to Tasks, like I can ##kill 1. It could be: ##disable trigger 46 rather than ##disable trigger "The bad guy tries to hit you and you find yourself unable to".... would save on Macro Value length and reduce typing on the user's part.
Looks like some good v2.0 feature requests.
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