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Full Version: macros causing crash
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
I've had this crashing issue with savitar over the years and something finally clicked as to what was causing it. It doesn't happen all the time, but it is related to my macros and text input. It's happened with the various releases of savitar and on each new mac os. Currnely I am running
10.6.2 and savitar 1.5.2

I have various macros, thr, pres, gets, resben. I have discovered that the random crashes occur when I am inputting words that begin with the same letters as my macros.

I was typing this in "say well if you are already happy with everything as it is, then I am thrilled for you". Only I got as far as "well if you are already happy with everything as it is, then I am th" and I realised it is always the first two letters of a macro. and it happens instantly. I type the th and don't even get to typing the r and it crashes.

I've altered my macros to mcro_thr instead of the thr to see if that helps with more stability since there's nothing I could possibly write that starts with a mcr. I've also left a few as they were and will track the crashing issue
I've seen this happen before, the problem you're describing. it caused me to remove any vowels from my macro names (so that whatever I was typing didn't accidentally conflict with a macro name, prompting the software to produce one of those 'quick-tip' floating boxes of text), although I'm not sure that solved the problem, but after an update to the software it stopped happening to me.

I can't think of anything else on it at the moment but rest assured if something comes to mind I'll be sure to fill you in on it. I thought it was a bug that was fixed with a release a few years back. Also I'm on a PBG4 running 10.4.11. (Backup machine since my G5 bit the dust, but that was also running 10.4.11.)
Things seem pretty stable since I start all my macros with a letter combo that is not likely to actually form part of a word that I might type. I've not had a single random crash.
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