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Full Version: Problems with 1.5.2
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Getting the prompt when I logged into my usual mud today that there was a new version of Savitar available was nice, however it froze my window with the spinning wheel and forced me to quit the app... not force quit, apl-q worked (I think, it was a few hours ago but I don't recall bringing up the 'force quit' menu.)

The next problem is trickier and makes me wish I hadn't deleted my copy of 1.5.1:

I have a trigger, simply:
[input] [line starts with] [case sensitive]
c $$spll

So that whatever spell I cast becomes the variable held by %%spll
There's nothing in the reply box because it still sends the command to the mud, it just uses whatever spell I cast to fill the variable so it can be cast again should I fail it.

I've had it for years and it works fine, exactly how I want it to, so that if i fail casting it, then the following line 'You fail to cast the spell.' triggers 'c %%spll'

Anyway, when I type c fly or cont[inual light] or any other spell, nothing happens. If I uncheck that trigger in my trigger window and type it again, it casts fine but it doesn't set the variable to the spell I cast.

So I'd appreciate it if you could make available for download so I can mud as usual while you fix the problem. I wish I still kept back-ups of older versions, i stopped doing that after years of filling up CDs with old software 'just in case.'

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Jay. sad.gif
I downgraded to 1.4.3 and it works as intended; I'd like to move back up to 1.5.1 but this'll do fine for now, it seems.
I'll look at fixing this. In the meanwhile, feel free to downgrade to 1.5.1. It's still on the server. Here's the direct link:
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