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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Users and Worlds > Free for All
What kind of worlds are you logging into?

As the name may indicate, though the avatar may not (yet), I have a penchant for playing Storm on Marvel types of MUSHes/MUXes, and Savitar has served me well though I manage to find a way of breaking //each and every version I've managed to download//. rolleyes.gif While tastes may vary, the two that I frequent the most are: X-Men: End Times and X-Men Tomorrow People. Shameless plug but no links yet. Not until I get myself a proper avatar, at least. wink.gif

I'm into the Hero System/Champions RPGs, so I play on the 2 superhero MUSHes that use those. Occassionally, I'll go on Treyvan (D&D), or a Shadowrun MUSH. I also hang out on M*U*S*H and (gasp) 8BitMUSH (those are build/code/social).

I love Savitar. Been using it since 1.0. smile.gif
I MUSH. I mostly prefer PennMUSH, for those who make the distinction, but Tiny is not out of the question. Other code bases bother me and MUDs and their ilk are not for folk like me. I am Antenaur (Day) @ Elendor and Day (Sir) @ Daes Dae'mar. That's Tolkien and Wheel of TIme, respectively. Penn and Tiny, respectively, too.

"If you took my backpack please identify yourself so I may kill you and fashion a new one from your SOUL!"
Mucks. Social mucks. Mostly furry-themed ones. Oh, the horror.

Long time user, first time new board poster.

I host a couple PennMUSH Mushes on an OS X box, most of the time I'm on Fort Bloodshed.
Achaea Dreams of Divine Lands of course!
Only the best ever mud!
This is a vote for materiamagica. We are big and we are mean.
oh o.O that last one there was _abby_ btw
I use Savitar to play Fed II at ... it works great for that game.
Discworld. Yeah. There's a really big turtle involved, and a book series that dictates our lives. *sigh* But a good MUD. Kinda weird.
wow.. I'm surprised no one mentioned DSL ( it's a fun rp-enforced mud, I say enforced because the implementor, scorn, is a nazi, but we love him anyway. It's got about 250-300 actives, each with a few alts. It's not really newbie friendly from the code, but the people tend to help you out. this is a shameless plug, after all even though i'm stuck with playing it in black and white due to the Ansii fark, i still play it..
I play mostly on MUXes, and I used to be around on a MUCK or two a few years ago. Savitar has served me well, it has. I've toyed on one MUSH (running PennMUSH), but I found that MUX-code was better suited to my tastes. I play on freeform RP games.
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