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Full Version: sweetness and question on MCP
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
kid zeus
Fantastic app. Really. Well done.

Quick question: how do I know if my Mush is MCP complient? And if it is, how do I make use of the windows (like in writing a @mail)?
What's MPC? Maybe I'm a retard.

Music Channel (?) Protocol or something like that. It allows the the content provider to add sounds to the room you're in.

Wow. That's crazy... I've never heard of that. What kind of sounds? Midi or mp3s or--what?

MCP is MUd Control Protocol. Newly added to Savitar 1.3.

You can find info on it in Savitar's manual, here:

If a world supports MCP, it will report it at connection time. Turn on Savitar's MCP debugging (in the MCP tab of your world settings) and if you see something like this reported "#$#mcp version: 2.1 to: 2.1" to you by the world, then you know the world is MCP aware.

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