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Full Version: Text rendering engine
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
Leona Laing
Simple request for you guys, great client by the way, rather than boltng on new features or improving it by bloating out the current Text rendering engine with FANSI nonsense, would it be possible for you guys to work on optimising the text rendering engine?

I found it too slow to use on many MU* and that, hydraMUD (Technically a rival I know!) Flew through it, if you guys could get the text rendering sped up a bit I would gladly use Savitar for ALL my MU*, currently I use Cantrip for most as, sadly, the client I prefer (Savitar) is among the slowest to render text on my little G3 800Mhz iBook. sad.gif
By "rendering text" you mean printing it to the screen, right? I've not had this problem... OS X supposedly (I've not run tests myself) has beautiful text handling (and 10.3 is supposed to be even better than 10.2 and down). Sorry I can't offer help... I just thought I'd ask to make sure I understood correctly. I'm on a G4 Cube, OS 10.2.whatever's current.

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