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Full Version: Trigger "bug"
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
Like I said the problem I have is not actually a bug but it is a command problem I hope some one could help me with.
I have two different commands, one is an input trigger and one is a marco with a hotkey. The first command is: tgt $$name. Which allows me to target anything in my mud by inputing their name. The second is the key command (control-N) and it sends the following command to the mud: drink mana. Well they two commands work fine seperatly but when I want to target a moblie (npc that can be killed while bashing) that falls under the catagory man: I use the trigger: tgt man, but then some part of Savitar kicks in and man is replaced by the command: drink mana. I dont know how to stop this and it gets really annoying because I need to target the specific name of the thing I wish to kill instead of just targeting man and using that to kill anything in the category of man.
I hope someone can help me with this, or if there is a way to shut it off please tell me. If there is no way to turn it off perhaps it should be added to the next release because like i said it is really annoying
Sorry, but this is not really an answer to your question. I was just wondering how you were able to define an alias so it stored as a target whatever you wanted, and then you could make it so that it allowed you to perform an action (such as attacking the target) without typing in the targets name for a second time.

For example

I see a man
I want to store the man's name in a targetting trigger
then I want to kick the man by only typing kick, and not the man's name again.
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