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Full Version: Very odd pose bug
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Bug Reports
For no apparent reason, Savitar will randomly decide to go buggy on me by altering my emits. It will take a piece of it, cutting off the beginning and end. It then adds:

You say, "Hey there, <some of my pose>! How's it going?"

It's -very- weird and quite annoying because I have to have people pose around me for a few minutes before it decides to start working again. Rebooting doesn't help either. Why does it happen and how do I fix this??
It seems to somehow be related to having the word "greet" in there...
Go in and turn off the 'greet' macro. It shouldn't be triggering at random, but it is for some reason. I'm not, you know, a developer, so all I can offer is a work-around. Go to the "Events Window" (command-E) and click the green check mark next to greet $$name in order to turn it into a red X. Should, throetically, solve your problem.

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