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Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > Feature Requests
So far I like the changes I see. I've not gotten to use it much as it's Student Season and finals are hunting in force. wink.gif One thing, though... I've mentioned this before, but not been able to articulate myself very well. As far as I can tell, intense and flashing don't work? It's either intense as bold or as normal and blinking as italics or reversed, yes? I'd like to see intense implimented, at least, so that I don't have to have it on bold. I could take or leave blinking, but while you're there you might as well, neh?

"I have a bad feeling about this."
-Star Wars: A New Hope
*bump* No dice? I'm refering to non-colored intense and flashing, here... In case that was't clear.

"I am totlally seriously, you guys."
-South Park
Okay, this bug is getting handled in 1.3b9.

Day has already gotten a look at the 1.3b9 pre-release with the fix in place.

Anyone else who is having trouble with ansi, drop me an email and I'll give you 1.3b9 pre-release to look at.

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