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Full Version: help! savatar wont work!
Heynow Software Forums > Savitar Software Application > General Discussion
Timothy aka squit
ok maybe this'll help. I have tried everything but savatar doesnt work on either of my computers each for a different readon. Well one says that i dont have disc copy which i do and the other one stuffit isnt unstuffing. thats the one that should work. I have stuffit expander and after i downloaded and installed carbonlib i downloaded savitar. then i dubble clicked on the icon- a little white paper that says savitar 133.sit. when i did that it opened stuffit expander and then quit out without doing anything. A friend said an icon should spring up like it did with carbonlib but it did not. I cannot seem to install it. And now i am getting very mad.gif because i have speant about 4 hrs and it wont work. So if you can hel me please rsvp. thank you.

P.S. Yes i have tried reinstalling carbon lib and redownloading everything and ive retried everything whcih i tried once.
P.P.S sorry for the poor punctuation.
Axl@Alter Aeon
i could help you, but i'm not going to, because you're squit.
Please email me privately with a bug report that outlines what version of Mac OS you are using on each of the computers in question. Also, please re-downloading the .sit and trying that. It sounds like your stuffit file was downloaded incompletely.

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