We helped release the v1.2 software for TriplePlay with our customer and friends over at Fishman Transducers. Here's their press release for it:
TriplePlay Software version 1.2 is now available with numerous enhancements, new features and improvements in compatibility. Always seeking to improve the user experience and performance, this is Fishman’s second major update since the product’s successful launch in April 2013.
The most notable new feature is that TriplePlay is now Pro Tools® AAX compatible. TriplePlay can now be inserted as a plugin in Pro Tools® 11 for Mac-based systems.
Other key updates include:
■ Improved GarageBand Functionality: Users will now be able to record and play back multiple MIDI channels in a GarageBand® session.
■ MIDI Pass Through: Any MIDI commands from your foot controller are now passed through the TriplePlay application and can be assigned to your hosted plugins.
■ Optimized Plugin Scanning: Upon first launch, 64-Bit TriplePlay now warns you that factory and user patches containing 32-bit plugins are not compatible with 64-Bit mode. Patches that are not compatible with 64-bit systems will now appear in the factory patch list in red text.
Fishman’s Development Team went even further and addressed numerous requests from current TriplePlay users and added some major improvements for enhanced performance.